Team Member Profile
Melissa Harrington
Administrative Assistant for Illinois Imagines Mini-Grant
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago/Sexual Violence Support Services
Member since: 2016
Member Bio:
Melissa received her undergraduate degree in Social Work at Northeastern Illinois University and hopes to be attending graduate school in 2017 to obtain her MSW. Melissa has been a volunteer sexual assault crisis counselor with the Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline since 2014 and is passionate about advocating for survivors of sexual assault.
Quote: “No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted” -Aesop
Why I joined IL Imagines.
I am passionate about working with and advocating for survivors of sexual assault, so working with Illinois Imagines was a perfect opportunity for me to continue that work in a meaningful way.
Fun Fact:
Even though I am terrible at it, I really enjoy playing tennis! It’s a great way to alleviate stress while getting exercise!