Friday, July 22, 2016

Team Member Profile: Meet Ana Correa


Team member name:
Ana M. Correa
Advocacy Manager
Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center
Member since: 2016

Member Bio:
Ana received her master’s degree from University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.   Ana has 15 years of experience working directly with victims of child sexual abuse.  Ana currently manages the Advocacy Team at the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center. Ana continues to seek out evidence based interventions as well as collaboration from complex systems to support children and families.
Quote: “No one can’t hurt you without your consent” Eleanor Roosevelt

Why I joined IL Imagines.
I was invited by Linda Sandman to become a member of the Chicago Team.  I am interested in learning and collaborating with experts in the field, so I can better service our clients.  The Chicago IL Imagine Team is a venue to ongoing assesses what’s best practice to support children and adults with disabilities.

Fun Fact:
Watching cooking shows is a fun way to distress from trauma work!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Educating Providers on Supporting Healthy Sexuality for People with ID/DD.

Presenting on Supporting Healthy Sexuality in People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

From left to right:  Krescene Beck, Cathy Saunders, Linda Sandman

llinois Imagines Chicago team members Linda Sandman and Cathy Saunders joined with state team member Krescene Beck on June 29th to provide a full day of training to about 90 disability service providers in Springfield, Illinois. The topic was "Supporting Healthy Sexuality in People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities". 

The Illinois Crisis Prevention Network (ICPN) sponsored the training and is excited to have this opportunity to work with Illinois Imagines.
by: Linda Sandman